Chapter 2: Instruction and operators
Instruction and Operators
A c program is a set of instructions. just like a recepie-Which contains instructions to prepare a particular Dish.
Types of instruction
1.Type declaration Instruction
2. Arithmetic Instruction
3. Control Instruction
Type declaration Instruction
int a;
float b;
Other varities:
int i=10; int j=i ; int a=2
int ji=a+j-i ;
float b=a+3 ; float =1.1***ERROR ! as we are trying to use before defining it ***
int abcd ;
a=b=c=d=30 ;*** value of abcd will be 30 each***
Airtmetic Instruction
int i=(3*2) +1
"*" "+" **** these are operators***
"3,2,1" ***these are operands***
operands can be int /float etc.
+,-,*,/ are arthmetic operators
int b=2, c=3;
intz; Z=b*c; ***legal***
intZ; b*c=z; ***Illegeal***
% --->Modular division operator
%---.> Returns the reminder
%---> Cannot be applied on float
%---> Sign is same as of numerator
5%2=1 -5%2=-1
No operators is assumed to be present
int i =ab --->Invalid
int i =a*b ---> Valid
There is no operator to perform exponentiation in c
However we can use pow(x,y) from<math.h>
Type Conversion
An arithmetic operation between
int and Int --->Int
Int and float--->Float
float and float--->Float
5/2--->2 5.0/2--->2.5
2/5 --->0 2.0/5--->0.4
int =3.5***In this case 3.5 (float) will be demoted to 3(int) because a is not able to float***
float a=8; *** a will store 8.0 8->8.0 (promotion to float)
operator precedence:-
3*x-8y is (3x)-(8y)or 3(x-8y)?
In c language simple mathematical rules is BODMAS, no longer applies
The answer to the above question is provided by operator precedence and associativity
operator precedence:- The following table lets the operator priority in c
Priority operators
1 */ %
2 + -
3 =
operator of higher priority are evaluated first in the absence of parenthesis
Operators Associativity:- when operators of equal priority are present in an expression, the tie is taken care of by associativity
x/y*z---> (x/y)*z
*,/ follow left to right associativity
Control Instructions:-
determines the flow of control in a program four types of control instructions in C are :-
1. Sequence Control Instruction
2. Decision Control Instruction
3. Loop Control instruction
4. Case Control Instruction
You can also learn c programming from youtube :
Tutorial of c programming
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